
I’m a software developer from Spain and this is just a small blog where I intend to write about things related to my profession as well as other things that matter to me from time to time.

Professionally I’m mostly interested in software development technologies and methods. more specifically I’m interested in:

  • Modern languages such as Python, Kotlin, Typescript, etc.
  • Modern tools like git or the tools from Jetbrains.
  • Good development methodologies such as Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration, the twelve factor app etc.
  • Alternative paradigms or solutions such as machine learning and deep learning, languages such as Haskell, massively parallel solutions such as GPU computing. I also like distributed computing and things like Hadoop and Spark.
  • Infrastructure stuff like Linux, AWS, docker, kubernetes etc.

Personally I’m interested in anything related to science and knowing how things work, I like physics, math and technology in general. I’m currently interested in everything related to artificial intelligence.

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